Auction Articles

How to put your offer in front of enough people to make mone

By: Christopher Kyalo

Whatever it is that you are selling online, there is a simple truth. You
will need to get your offer in front of enough people to be able to make
a single sale. Once you know your conversion rate (that is how many
people you need to put the message in front of to make a single sale)
it is simple enough to calculate how many people need to see your
message for you to achieve the kind of sales and profits you want to
make with that particular online product or service.

That's how simple an online business can be. Forget all those complex, confusing
pieces of advice flying at you from all directions on the net. Just get back
to the basics. If you do not have your numbers correct, you'll go nowhere.

A business venture starts with the setting of goals. What do you want to
achieve? How much money do you want to generate? What kind of profit
do you want? When you answer that question, all the rest of your business
plans will fall into place.

This applies to affiliate programs and it is easy to see why so many people
spend time joining them and getting frustrated, when all they need to do is
find a way of making this simple calculation. Most good affiliate programs
will show you the number of hits you are achieving and how many you are
converting into actual sales.

One of the most effective ways of going about getting your offer in front of
as many people as possible, online is by posting informative, useful articles
on subjects related to your offer. You then direct this captive audience to
your web site or where ever your offer message is. Articles (and not ads)
work best online and that is simply because the world wide web is an
information medium.

This all sounds neat and easy to do except that you will need to write quite
a number of articles to start seeing the results.

But as with everything else in life, there is an easier way of doing things.
A way of ensuring that your single article or two is put in front of enough
people to make the impact you need to start generating sales.

Why not use a site that is already generating 1.5 billion page views each month?
A site that will not have any problem with you posting personal information about
what you do and how to reach you, neatly and conviniently directing some of
this huge traffic to your article or offer information.

You may have guessed the site I am talking about - of course.

I found Brian McGregor's ebook "The Ebay Formula extremely useful in helping
me understand how to use Ebay to drive my traffic and profits. Of Course
there is serious money to be made from auctions or by selling something
with a fixed price from Ebay, but that is not the topic of this article. The
point I want to make here is that you can use the About Me page to put
all sorts of information, even if you are not selling anything.

You can get a copy of "The Ebay formula" from the following link:-

About the Author

Christopher Kyalo is a writer/marketing expert who makes money online only by posting free articles. Get his free course at and visit his blog He can be reached at strongwallafrica at


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